Be My Jazz Baby Class Overview

Be My Jazz Baby features 2 days of dance courses with instructors…
Michael Gamble and Jaya Dorf
Adam Speen and Abigail Browning

Saturday’s classes at Dancesport offers a choice between 2 intimate tracks divided by focus (not skill level)
Track 1: “Less is more”
This track focuses on perfecting the look and feel of essential lindy hop basics. English textile designer William Morris once said, “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” In these classes the instructors will help you master the theories, physics, and execution behind core skills to help make yours look consistently beautiful every time you use them.

1:00-2:15 Swing High, Swing Low, Swing Fast, Swing Slow… Swing Out! – Adam and Abigail

2:15 – 3:30 Synchronized Rhythms – Michael and Jaya

3:30 – 4:45 Dancer as Musician (aka Shiny Happy Fun Musicality Time by Blammo!) – Adam and Abigail

Track 2: “The Devil is in the Details”
Looking for a little variation to allow you to develop your own personal style? Billie Holliday once said, “I hate straight singing. I have to change a tune to my own way of doing it. That’s all I know.” That’s what this track is all about… changing up some of the details to give you new ways to move and new concepts to think about.

1:00-2:15 Explode Your Rhythm – Michael and Jaya

2:15 – 3:30 Improving your Creativity through Rewiring your Defaults – Adam and Abigail

3:30 – 4:45 Rhythm + Turns = Awesome – Michael and Jaya
Sunday’s classes at Shall We Dance Studio are all taught by Michael and Jaya.

1:15 – 2:15 Ad-Lib Improv Kickstarter

2:20 – 3:20 Decrypting Partner Charleston Patterns & Transitions

3:30 – 4:30 Spotlight on the Student – Strategies for Self Improvement

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